Friday, July 27, 2007

WiFi Antenna

Here it is, our awesome new cantenna:

Thank you very much to my Father-in-law who perfectly crafted this for us. It works beautifully!!!

Monday, July 23, 2007

imagemagick Script

Save this as a .sh file then run with bash to create a crapload of thumbnails out of your photos.

for file in *.jpg
convert -resize 400 "$file" thumb_"$file"


Saturday, July 7, 2007

Making NASlite and Mac OS X 10.4 play nice...

Because NASlite does not use password encryption on your files you need to
tell you Mac that everything will be okay with a little nsmb.conf file:

sudo vi /etc/nsmb.conf (NOTE! not smb.conf)


save the file ( :wq in vi)

Thanks to the guys from serverelements (the people who make naslite for the solution).

NOTE! This does however pose a security risk...